[ 專業進修 ] 2011-4-3~4-15 參與世界級矯正經典培訓課程 Tweed foundation in Arizona - Part 4


Day 7   Treatment of Class II division 1 upper 4 / lower5 extraction setup

              ( 二級咬合暴牙病例的拔牙治療研習 )

              Dr.James L. Vaden's Lecture --- Orthodontics : Benefits or Burdens ?

              ( 齒顎矯正治療 --- 帶給患者是有益處抑或有負擔的治療? )

              專家介紹 http://www.jameslvaden.com/

              Dr.Herbert A. Klontz's Lecture --- Retention / Case presentation for long term stability

              (  維持器的重要性與原則/ 如何維持長久穩定性的病例報告 )  

              專家介紹 http://dentistry.ouhsc.edu/gradortho/Faculty.htm


[ 筆者與Tweed course director 第三代掌門人 Dr.Herbert A Klontz 在矯正傳奇巨人Dr.Charles H. Tweed 手繪肖像前合影,此肖像是由另一位矯正界著名耆老Chaireman of the board Dr.Jack G.Dale所繪製 ]

[ 筆者與Day5 Instructor 資深指導醫師 來自義大利Italy的 Dr.Giovanni Biondi /Day 6 Instructor 資深指導醫師 來自法國Frence的 Dr.Jean Comard合影。]

兩位都是執業超過二十五年以上的資深臨床醫師,手藝超群!對於每項作業細節、彎線技巧與臨床實際並例討論都有很詳盡的講解與示範。You are wonderful teachers & considerate clinicians!I really enjoy your instruction and sharing.Thanks very much for your kindness !

[ 矯正臨床作業模型 --- 訓練彎線技巧、牙弓形態配合/匹配、前牙美學/藝術曲的彎制與平行性檢查、咬合密合牽引鈎、二級咬合牽引鈎的焊製 ]

Intensive works to be done! Training of wire bending skill、arch wire coordination、anterior artistic bendings and parallel check、soldered hooks for interdigitation & Class II correction.

Stressful but worth to be here !!!

[ 筆者的作品皆經過資深指導醫師每階段逐步檢視到確認完美為止,把握每天十個小時與指導醫師相處的珍貴時間,他們人很好並不會強迫你一定要怎樣,一切都是需要靠自我要求實現!對自己越嚴格與好學,人家越知道如何協助你、願意傳以珍貴經驗所學。 ]

Do the best way you should  do ! The seniors' wisdom will guide us to the better way...  

[ 檢查上下牙弓平行性、調整咬合橡皮筋的銅絲焊鈎,逐步確實地操作,雖是模擬口內狀況的模型,卻也表現出令人滿意的結果! 後牙開開的我們稱之為" Tweed occlusion",為得是做好錨定準備來改善上顎暴牙、特別針對長臉型、開咬的暴牙患者特別有效!!! ]

[ 筆者這兩天的作業,一系列的調整咬合用線彎制,確實逐步的調整與檢查,深獲資深指導醫師肯定!]

[ 同組的中國大陸醫師們都十分優秀且認真!人也都很好、大家會彼此幫忙,筆者深感台灣在技術上已經遠遠落後中國大陸尖端的菁英醫師群!!目前台灣正陷入"醫病關係惡化的亂象"、"不求進步的閉鎖教育體系"、"行銷快速矯正的同業惡質競爭",這實非患者之福! ]

[ 感謝來自中國大陸吳建勇醫師、賈綺林醫師、劉怡醫師、柳勝杰醫師...等的盛情相待、教學相長!可說是相處甚歡。 尤其今天與劉林醫師聊到台灣醫師出國留學的狀況,相較於中國出國留學正火紅蔚為風氣、人數激增。我想台灣在這點不僅是經濟窮了、思想涵養與求知欲望也窮了! 只會在政治鬥爭遊戲、八卦爆料媒體、網路不用負責的言論自由上自我陶醉,悲哀呀! ]

[ 在人才濟濟的中國大陸,菁英醫師追求的是"超美趕日",把基本功(診斷、擬定治療計畫、如何彎線、如何把矯正器黏好)練紮實,而非追求"最炫"、"最受病人歡迎"的治療! 這點台灣的醫師與老師們真的要好好反省檢討! 別忘了身為醫師與老師的本分。]

[ 與筆者同桌的都是北京大學/南昌大學醫學中心級的院長、主任、主治醫師,有的還已經來好幾次持續接受訓練直到完全理解,四五十歲還跟筆者一樣十個小時不斷練習!只會早到不會早退。

   反觀台灣,大家可能是早已習慣安逸度日,沒有要求下學生也懶得參加在假日舉辦得持續教育進修,台灣的師資人數又少,在全世界的競爭力確實岌岌可危、不堪一擊! ]

[ 因為再怎麼聰明過人的小和尚,"內功"也絕對比不上每天紮馬步十年如一日的老方丈,想要靠LH或Damon或其他超炫裝置一步登天做好兼顧咬合、顏面美學、穩定性的矯正,實在很難! ]

Dr.Vaden says : " The time will tell you! "

[ 這是全世界第一張齒顎矯正專科醫師的證書,正是頒發給Tweed foundation創始人Dr.Charles H. Tweed的,是世界矯正學界十分珍貴的史料! ]

The legendary " first " certification of orthodontic speciality on the wall !!!

It belonged to Dr.Charles H. Tweed...a historical treasure!

[ 經過七天的密集訓練,筆者的手指已經脫了好幾層皮而且長繭、沾滿標記筆、焊錫、金屬線的染色,但覺得很有收穫、十分值得! ]

[ 跟全美各研究教學單位(UCLA, UCSF, Tufts, UPenn, SUNY at Buffalo, Temple)送過來的學生相比,亞裔族群包括中國、日本與韓國醫師們的手藝還是優勝好幾籌,觀察的結果大概只有亞裔會把每個動作確實做好、會主動請求檢查修正、準時不早退,在這樣的學習態度之下,我想亞洲在技術方面是不會遜於歐美的。]


 OKC orthodontist Dr.Herbert Klontz receives the American Board of Ketcham Award 


Do you have any idea how many people's lives you may have touched during your life? Oklahoma City orthodontist Herbert A. Klontz does, because his friend and fellow orthodontist, Jack Dale, figured it out for him. How many lives has Klontz touched? Dale estimates 8 million, give or take a thousand or two.

Dale was inspired to make this estimation when he found that Klontz was to receive the Albert H. Ketcham Memorial Award at the annual meeting of the American Board of Orthodontics in Las Vegas. About 2,000 other orthodontists and associates were in the audience. The Ketcham Award is considered the most prestigious award in orthodontics.

For much of his 44-year career, the Quail Creek resident has taught for and directed the Charles H. Tweed International Foundation for Orthodontic Research and Education, joining the foundation after completing his orthodontic residency in 1962 at Washington University in St. Louis. He became a teacher at the foundation in 1967, became course coordinator in 1976 and was appointed the foundation's third-ever director in 1983, following in the footsteps of Tweed and another Oklahoman, Levern Merriweather of Ponca City, who was the second director.

The course, founded in 1941, teaches the Tweed philosophy of wire bending and forced system mechanics in orthodontics.

The Tweed edgewise method, conceived in the late 1930s or '40s, is a method of moving teeth with braces and wires, usually changed monthly, to line up crooked teeth and put them in the best state and placement for the patient's health. The goal is to put the teeth in the best aesthetic and functional position for the patient. Facial balance for harmony as well as health is the main concern for Tweed- trained orthodontists.

 What is " Ketcham award " ?


