[ 專業進修 ] 2011-4-3~4-15 參與世界級矯正經典培訓課程 Tweed foundation in Arizona - Part 2


Day 1 & 2 Course begines at 8:00 AM ~ 7:00 PM, A busy and hot day.... 

Dr.Klontz is Instructing me the details of wire bending & the spirits of this training course.

[ 現任Tweed foundation的掌門人、美國矯正界德高望重高齡七十八歲的矯正大師Dr.Klontz親自指導筆者技巧重點 ]

The instrucments ( tools ) are very heavy ! Different pliers should be used in proper stages. Use it well to do the right thing !

[ The first day works...various forms of wire bending could stand up & be flat at any position,identical size to each other. ]

各類矯正線彎曲不但要大小一致、還要能平整站立,可不容易! 名牌上是筆者手彎作品,個個都能整齊站立。

[ 要每個線圈都能筆直站立、平貼於水平面上,這真的需要些許天分手感、充分練習與臨床經驗累積 ]

[ The doctors from 南昌大學附屬口腔醫院吳建勇院長與北京大學口腔醫學院正畸科的劉怡Liu-Yi醫師 are watching these wire bendings standing up in 3D position including up side down.

[ 來自南昌大學附設口腔醫院的 吳健勇院長以及北京大學口腔醫學院的 劉怡醫師正在仔細端詳這些倒過來放著放也能站立的彎線技巧。我的同學們可是各個大有來頭呢! 都是這領域的一方之霸。]

吳建勇院長 專家介紹  http://ysk.39.net/nc/yisheng/a7d46.html

劉怡醫師 專家介紹  http://www.fmkortho.com/study/list.php?sort=jyjj1.php&id=2

[ The second day works...third order bending, second order bending, twist practice, prescription arch with soldered hooks, artistic bending! ]

[ Every works should be checked & examined by senior instructor ]

[ Our Italian Instructor Dr.Letizia demostrate the twist bending for torquing on the teeth ]

來自那不勒斯第二大學的教授 Dr.Letizia Perillo  http://www.eoseurope.org/useful_links/schools_search_results?country_id=105

Dr.Letizia 在第七屆國際矯正會議的研究發表 http://www.wfosydney.com/highlights.asp?LetiziaPerillo

