[ 看牙英文會話 ] A Trip to the Dentist 看牙醫實用對話 - (1)

A Trip to the Dentist 看牙醫實用對話

2010年 12月21日  蘋果日報

Speaking 生活美語 - Cavity蛀牙

英語對話 :
Dentist: The x-ray we took shows that you have a cavity in one of your teeth. 
Patient: I was afraid of that. Too much candy recently, I guess.
Dentist: That would explain it. I’ll give you a shot of novocaine to numb the area and then we’ll fill in the cavity. It shouldn’t take more than half an hour.
Patient: OK, doc.

中文翻譯 :

牙醫:我們拍的 X 光顯示你有顆牙齒蛀牙。 

Common Phrases 看牙好用句

1.My gums are swollen. 我牙齦腫脹。 
2.My filling fell out. 我補牙的地方掉了。 
3.My crown came loose. 我的牙套鬆掉了。 
4.I have a loose tooth. 我有顆牙齒快掉了。 
5.My wisdom teeth are coming in. 我長智齒了。 
6.The anesthetic has worn off and my tooth hurts. 麻藥退了,但我的牙齒還是很痛。 

英語通 Language Guide

●interdental brush 牙間刷 
●dental floss 牙線 
●tongue scraper 刮舌苔器 
●mouthwash 漱口水 
●braces 矯正器 
●retainer 固定器 
●dentures 一整副假牙 
●crown/cap 牙套 
●bridge 牙橋 
●dental guard 護牙套 
●dental implant 植牙 

